1.10. 2-step verification

The Calendars 5 app supports connecting to Google Calendars using 2-step verification. Signing into your Google Calendars with 2-Step Verification via the application is easy. For this, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the Calendars 5 app.   
  2. Go to Settings within the app.
  3. Tap Connect To Google Calendar.    
  4. Once the sign-in page appears, enter your username and password for your Google account.
  5. Then you will be asked for a six-digit code, which you will get from your phone. If you want, when you enter your code, you can choose to trust your device - this means you won't be asked for a code again when you sign in from this device. If you sign in from another device, however, you'll be asked for a code. 
  6. Enter the 6 digits code in the password field and the app will connect to your Google Calendars account.

To learn more about Google 2-step verification take a look at this set of articles.

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